0121 2705 548 INFO@ASAEVENTS.UK
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Office Telephone: 0121 2705 548 Mobile: 07494 959 299 Email: INFO@ASAEVENTS.UK



Step 1: Contact us

This step is relatively straight forward. It involves the client hearing about us or discovering our website and contact details in some way (perhaps from our website or business card etc.) and subsequently calling us or emailing us with an event requirement. The requirement could be that they need event planning services or event consultation services. After the potential client communicates their event requirement, we would move to step 2.

Step 2: Provide us with your contact details

At this stage we would ask for a potential client’s contact phone number and email address so we can keep in touch with the potential client and contact them if and when necessary. If the potential client calls us and the line cuts out, we have their number to call them back. Also, we would need their contact details for a later stage of this stage plan.

Step 3: Explain your requirements

During this stage we would need to hear about what the potential client’s event needs are. We would typically utilize an assessment form at this stage and ask questions of the potential client regarding their event needs. The assessment could take some time depending on the client and therefore an assessment form could be sent in an email for the potential client to fill in or it could be addressed over the phone.

Step 4: Leave it with us

After the assessment form has been filled in this is our time to look through the answers and decide if we can fulfil the requirements or not. If we can then this is the time, we would draft a proposal for the potential client to peruse.

Step 5: Receive an email or call from us

Once we have drafted our event proposal, we would then communicate the proposal to the potential client to assess and decide if they would be happy with the proposal or not. If they are happy with it, they would typically email us back or we could call them after some time to chase up their decision. Upon accepting our proposal contracts would need to be written up and terms and conditions would need to be sent over to the client. The payment details can be ironed out here also.

Step 6: We will provide the relevant service/s for your requirements

The services described in the contracts gleaned from our proposals would then need to be adhered to in the carrying out of the services described for the client. This is where we would put maximum effort into ensuring the client is happy with their event and our event planning service.

Step 7: Customer satisfaction

After the event service delivery and the essential excellent customer service the client walks away happy. The transaction has been made, the ASA Events Management & Consultancy Specialists team gets paid and the client receives excellent event service execution.